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    Rambler's Top100
    bigmir)net TOP 100

  • Context

    Part I

    Part II

     The small intestine

     Small bowel obstruction

     Crohn's disease

     Crohn's disease of the small intestine

     Surgery for Crohn's disease of the small intestine

     Small bowel fistulae

     Diverticular disease of the small bowel

     Malabsorption syndromes

     Short bowel syndrome

     Radiation enteritis

     Hamartomas and benign neoplasms of the small bowel

     Nutrition for small bowel disorders

     Foreign bodies

     Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis

     Surgery for obesity

     Surgery for obesity

     Colon and rectum

     Diverticular disease: diverticulitis, bleeding, and fistula

      Inflammatory disease of the colon

     Inflammatory disorders

     Pathology of non-specific inflammatory bowel disease

     Ulcerative colitis

     Surgical management of ulcerative colitis

     Crohn's disease of the colon

     Pseudomembranous colitis

     Ischaemic colitis

     Colorectal cancer and benign tumours of the colon

     Obstruction of the colon

     Volvulus of the colon

     Chronic constipation in adults


     Prolapse of the rectum

     The appendix

     Acute appendicitis

     Primary appendiceal malignancies

     Pseudomyxoma peritonei



     Pruritus ani


     Anorectal abscess


     Anorectal incontinence

     Perianal pilonidal disease

     Cancer of the anus

     Peritoneum and intraperitoneal abscess

     The peritoneum and peritonitis

     Intra-abdominal abscesses

     The liver

     Surgical anatomy of the liver and biliary tree

     Hepatic trauma - principles of management

     Abscesses - pyogenic and amoebic

     Principles of hepatic surgery for cancer

     Metastatic carcinoma of the liver

     Asian perspective on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

     The Budd-Chiari syndrome

     Surgery for Budd - Chiari syndrome

    Part III

    Part IV

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